perm filename AGENCY[DOC,CSR]4 blob
sn#487458 filedate 1979-12-10 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002 Agency Distribution
C00027 ENDMK
Agency Distribution
Catagory # Copies Requirements Address Hash Code
A.I. auto 7 mailing list Dr. Bernard Chern DAR02
Advance Technical Applications
Division/ Rm. 401
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550
Institute for Defense Analysis DAR05
400 Army-Navy Drive
Arlington, Virginia 20222
Director, I.P.T. DAR06
Advanced Research Projects Agency
Department of Defense
1400 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Artificial Intelligence Library DAR07
Project MAC
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
Software Division DAR08
Electrotechnical Lab
2-6-1, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Director DAR09
Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International
Library DARBR
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
archives 1 CSD the CSD archive collection gets one copy
of EVERY report issued a STAN-CS- number
1 A.I. the A.I. archive collection gets one copy
of EVERY report issued an AIM- number
Army 3 insert United States Army Research Office
Box 12211
Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709
12 insert & card send to NTIS
ARPA 3 insert Director
Advanced Research Projects Agency
Attn: Program Management
1400 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209
12 insert & card send to NTIS
author 25 to be given (or shipped, as the case may
be) to EACH author listed on the report
automatics 26 mailing list Librarian AUT02
Computing Laboratory
Claremont Tower, Claremont Rd.
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Courant Inst. of Math. Sci. AUT03
Attn: Nancy Gubman
251 Mercer St.
New York, New York 10012
IBM GPD-Library AUT04
Attn: K. Takle Quinn
Dept. J17/K15
555 Bailey Avenue
San Jose, CA 95150
Dept. of Computer Science AUT06
Hill Ctr for Mathematical Sciences
Busch Campus
Rutgers, The State University
New Brunswick, N.Y. 08903
Library of Congress AUT07
Exchange & Gift Division
Washington, D.C. 20540
Mathematisch Centrum Library AUT08
2E Boerhaavestraat 49
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MIT/LCS - Reading Room AUT09
Attention: Librarian
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
Matematicky Ustav Csav AUT10
Zitna Ul. 25
Praha 1 Czechoslovakia
Mrs. I. Goode AUT12
Maths/CCV Library
National Physical Laboratory
Teddington, Middlesex, England
The Librarian AUT15
Programming Research Group
45 Banbury Road
Oxford 0X2 6PE England
Library AUT17
Computer Science Dept.
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Gisele Victot AUT19
315-05 Informatique-Biblio.
Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Montreal 101
Miss Linda Rae Buys AUT22
Librarian, Computer Science
3160 MEB
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Computing Information Ctr. AUT23
University of Washington
3737 Brooklyn Avenue NE
Seattle, Washington 98105
Mrs. Helen Smith, Librarian AUT24
Computing Centre
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Reading Room AUT25
Computer Science Dept.
1210 West Dayton Street
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisc. 53706
Prof. Rudiger Valk AUT26
Universitat Hamburg, The Library
Institut fur Informatik
2 Hamburg 13, Schluterstr. 70
Yale University AUT27
Dept. of Computer Science
P.O. Box 2158 Yale Station
New Haven, Conn. 06520
Richard Manuck (2) AUT29
Mathematical Sciences Library
Connie Stanley AUTIN
Computer Science Dept. Archives
Jacks 422
Institute of Informatics AUTTF
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1080 Blindern
Oslo 3, Norway
DOE 7 insert Mrs. T. Oji
Contract Services Division
Department of Energy
1333 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
fiche 85 Forum Naomi Schulman
ERL 234
3 mailing list Richard Manuck (MF) AUTAA
Mathematical Sciences Library
Indiana University (MF) AUTNV
Swain Hall Library
Swain West 208
Bloomington, IN 47405
Computer Science Center (MF) AUTRE
Program Library
Attn: Barbara Rush, Head Librarian
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(more to be added to this catagory at a later date)
Forum 25 no binding Naomi Schulman
tape ERL 217 (Receiving)
Make arrangements with Jack Stratton at
SEL Printing to automatically pull the
77 'no tape' copies & deliver them to
receiving. He will call Naomi Schulman
and tell her they are there. This will
save time and energy on everyones part.
IBM 6 IBM - Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218
Sponsored Projects Office
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
NASA 1 NASA Headquarters
Attn: New Technology Representative
Code: KT
Washington, D.C. 20546
4 NASA Headquarters
Attn: Information Science Branch Chief
Code: RRK/RAK09
Washington, D.C. 20546
NSF 3 Technical Monitor
Div. of Mathematics & Computer Science
National Science Foundation
1800 G Street
Washington, D.C. 20550
NTIS 12 Army Defense Documention Center
ARPA Cameron Station
ONR Arlington, Virginia 22314
(insert sheet & return info. card)
ONR 32 insert Prof. Craig Comstock ONR01
mailing list Dept. of Mathematics
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, Calif. 93940
Chief Scientist ONR02
ONR Branch Office/Pasadena
1030 E. Green Street
Pasadena, Calif. 91101
Dr. Richard Lau ONR03
ONR Branch Office/Pasadena
1030 E. Green Street
Pasadena, Calif. 91101
Commander ONR04
Naval Electronics Lab. Center
San Diego, Calif. 92152
Dr. Seymour Singer ONR05
1325 El Encanto Dr.
Brea, CA 92621
Mr. Bruno F. W. Witte ONR07
Code 5200
Naval Electronics Lab. Center
San Diego, Calif. 92152
Dr. D.E. Zilmer (Code 4033) ONR08
Naval Weapons Center
China Lake, Calif. 93555
Director ONR09
Office of Naval Research
Brance Office Chicago (Code 495)
536 South Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Director ONR10
National Security Agency
Attn: Norman S. Glick R53
Fort George Meade, Maryland 20755
Commander ONR11
Naval Air Test Center
CT-17, Tech. Info. Dept.
Tech. Pubs
Patuxent River, Maryland 20670
U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab. ONR12
White Oak
Attn: Library
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Director ONR13
ONR Branch Office/Boston
495 Summer Street
Boston, Mass. 02210
Zouis Rains, Tech. Info. Officer ONR14
Office of Naval Research
Branch Office
495 Summer Street
Boston, Mass. 02110
Office of Naval Research ONR15
Dr. Robert G. Grafton
Scientific Department
715 Broadway (5th Floor)
New York, N.Y. 10003
Mr. Stuart L. Brodsky (2) ONR17
Code 432
Office of Naval Research
Arlington, VA 22207
Mr. Bruce J. McDonald ONR18
Office of Naval Research, Code 436
Department of the Navy
Arlington, Virginia 22217
Office of Naval Research (2) ONR19
Department of the Navy (Code 432)
Recipient No. 447
Arlington, Virginia 22217
U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory ONR20
Attn: Library
Dahlgren, Virginia 22448
Director (6 copies) ONR21
Naval Research Lab
Attn: Technical Information Officer
Department of the Navy
Washington, D.C. 20390
U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office ONR22
Computer Operations Dept.
Attn: Mr. Dea Stephenson
Code 5400 - Bldg. 1000
Bay St. Louis, Nstl, MS 39522
Dr. Paul B. Richards ONR23
Code 7800 Math and Info.
Sciences Division
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, D.C. 20390
Prof. Daniel Shanks ONR24
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Mr. Gordon D. Goldstein ONRPP
Office of Naval Research
Information Systems Program
Arlington, VA 22217
Director ONRRT
National Security Agency
Attn: R51, Dr. Chase
Fort G.G. Meade, MD 20755
Mr. Steve Piacsek ONRTI
Naval Ocean Research & Development
Activity, Code 322
NSTL Station, Bldg. 1100
Bay St. Louis, Miss. 39529
December 10, 1979